Two Thirds of a Trio

Apparently it’s traditional to begin promoting this before August, but I’ll be part of a fun stand up show at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe called Two Thirds of a Trio, with the hairy Sandy Bouttell and the cupboardy Martin Bearne.

We’ll be there from August 6th to 20th, 9pm and free every night at the Jekyll & Hyde on Hanover Street (Venue 259). I’m doing Aug 6th-7th, 11th-12th and 15th-20th.

two thirds of a trio

Two Thirds of a Trio is a comedy show like… well, many others. Any given performance will bring together two of the trio of Scotland’s best up-and-coming comedic talents that have combined to provide the Edinburgh Fringe-going masses hilariousness on a mammoth scale. Keiron Nicholson (@KeironNicholson), ‘Deceptive, inventive and very funny’ (Dan Antopolski). Sandy Bouttell (@sandybouttell), ‘…unquestionably the darkest moment in a show featuring a spoof obituaries reel’ ( Martin Bearne (@comedymartin), ‘Refreshing levels of self deprication’ (ThreeWeeks).

Ed Fringe website

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